星期二, 1月 31, 2006





歡心, 知道她感到寒冷,便甘心燃點那對用火柴造的腿來供應溫暖。
到溫暖, 她要求火柴人獻出剩餘的一枝火柴,亦即是他的頭和身,
火柴人知道 這樣做會同是把生命終結,但他仍然願意為公主做一

"既然 命運把我變成火柴人,我寧願為愛情轟轟烈烈的自焚,
直至死亡, 總好比再悶活多一百年有意思,雖然,我知你在
利用我對你的愛, 但我甘心給妳利用。"
救熄火柴人 身上的猛火,但這女人一向鐵心得連眼淚也不
流,己經忘記了怎樣哭, 到第一滴眼淚流出來時,火柴人



星期一, 1月 30, 2006

Blog Things

You are a Black Coffee

At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it

Your caffeine addiction level: high

星期六, 1月 28, 2006

81 Points Proves Everything

Without Boundaries


老實說,我一直不喜歡 Kobe Bryant。當其他人拿他與 Michael Jordn 比較,甚至說他有可能成為籃球大帝的繼承者時,我只會搖搖頭微笑,並在心裡想:「Kobe 跟 Jordan 比?請再等個幾十年吧…」

我之所以這麼批評他並不是沒有原因的。的確,Kobe 的單打能力在 NBA 裡可能是前三名,他有卓越的跳躍力與平衡,準確的跳投,常被封成月曆的灌籃,加上不輸給射手的三分外線,但就本人看來他還缺乏許多接替 Jordan 的要素。

現在 NBA 聯盟裡有數位灌籃高手有能力與年輕時的 Jordan 相比: Vince Carter、 Tracy McGrady、Dwyane Wade 等等…當然也包括 Kobe Bryant。如果形容 Carter 的灌籃是凶猛的力道之美,Kobe 的灌籃則會是華麗的技巧展現,而 Jordan 則是含納雙方優點:兼具力與技的境界。相較之下,Jordan 像在場上幽雅的芭蕾,而Kobe 的扭腰灌籃似乎有那麼一絲過於花俏的感覺。

Kobe 剛出道的前幾年飽受批評。除了個性上的不穩定,不善利用團隊合作,和其他私生活的問題,雖然三個冠軍戒指還是到了手,但是如果沒有史上最強的中鋒 Shaqeal O'neal 和禪師 Phil Jackson,許多人不認為 Kobe 有能力獨自拿到冠軍。然而之後與 Piston 的慘敗、Phil 的離去、Shaq 轉隊,Kobe 或許都脫不了關係,也因如此,支離破碎的 Lakers 於去年消失於競爭冠軍的球隊中。

但是今年 Kobe 回來了。嶄新的 Kobe 現在不再利用年輕時充滿傲氣與霸氣的強行突破與灌籃,而以跳投與三分作為新武器,而不時有精彩的助攻產生。現在剛超越 Iverson 的 Kobe 在得分王的排行榜上穩佔第一,連續多場的 40+ 表現,已經震驚了全世界。但是,Kobe 尚未滿足,他把自己提升到一個新的境界,進入了一個甚至連 Jordan 都沒踏入的領域。

單場 81 分。

請聽清楚,我沒說錯。Kobe Bryant 單場獨得 81 分。

那是一個只有 Wilt Chamberlain 在60 年代踏入過的領域。除了 Wilt Chamberlain 被人喻為不可能被超越的 100 分以外,Kobe 在一夜裡刷新了紀錄,並向不可能邁進,但因 60 年代對於 Chamberlain 這長人的規則尚未有所規範,導致許多以前他能做的動作,現代球員已經被規則限制住。但是 Kobe 還是辦到了。28-46 的射球,7 個三分、18-20 的罰球,加上兩個籃板、兩個助攻、三個抄截,在今夜,Kobe Bryant 用數據證實了一切。不論是過去與現在的明星球員都不得不承認,只看今夜,Kobe 和 Michael 已經不能比較。 即使我很不想承認,即使許多不喜歡 Kobe 時常擺出臭臉的人不想承認,即使許多強力抨擊 Kobe 的記者不願承認…

Kobe Bryant. You made history.
Tonight, you earned your wings.


才剛開學農曆新年咻~~~一下就到! 好像都還沒真正進入狀況就又放假了, 也好???趁這時候整理一下思緒、想想未來。明天就是除夕了,今年比較不一樣。竟然有好心人請我去他家吃飯! 嘿嘿???我當然就老實不客氣又厚臉皮的答應了 嘿嘿有好料吃了!~~~中學時宿舍雖然有安排寄宿家庭吃年夜飯但必竟都是比較不熟的,會有些不自在。算一算我在新加坡已經要邁入第9個年頭了...咳...都不知道有多久沒在臺灣過年了...中學頭兩年有回去過...其中也有兩年家人過來一起過但感覺就是和在臺灣時年初一被鞭炮聲吵醒時不一樣(零晨6點被鞭炮嚇醒是又好氣又好笑的經驗)...彷彿沒在臺灣就不像在過年...


星期二, 1月 24, 2006

The two mic hoggers last friday night...I think the next outing we'll be banned from singing..haha... Posted by Picasa

NTU campus...in my opinion it makes NUS seem like a squatter settling...at least in NTU the buildings are more uniform and organized. Posted by Picasa

3 Gays......doesn't get much uglier than this... Posted by Picasa

星期六, 1月 21, 2006

Ivan's totally still engrossed in singing...even a pitcher suffices as his mic Posted by Picasa

KBox session after dinner at Marche Posted by Picasa

星期日, 1月 15, 2006

惡搞新聞 ^_^





星期六, 1月 14, 2006

Jason....the foggy effect is because I didn't wipe the lens... Posted by Picasa

Me and Jason@PGP Posted by Picasa

The first week of school was rather free for me. On friday I only had one lecture and a project meeting. It's weird to have such a slack schedule....but I know this would just be the calm b4 the storm since ee2001 project is gonna be a killer module....6 modules again this sem...I've taken like 4 straight sems of 6 modules...hope it pays off.

After my lessons I really had nothing to do and it was too early to play basketball(basically suicide to play at 2pm). So in the end I actually followed a friend and crashed a history lecture. It was on Vietnamese history and was taught by a caucasian prof. The prof was actually pretty good and he made the lecture so interesting that I've actually managed not to wander off or fall asleep in the entire two hours...Can't say the same for the lecturing style of engineering professors.Also makes me wonder why I'm doing engineering when I find history much more interesting.

Then I followed my friend home....haha....i must have been pretty irritaing..tagging along like a little kid
. It's fun looking at other people's photo albums and see how they've evolved over the years. So far, I think I've changed the most throught the years as no one from my primary school could recognise me without me bloating my face or showing them an old photo. Then comes dinner....hehe...being so sick of the food in NUS I decided to be thicked-skinned and said yes when my friend's mom asked me whether I was staying for dinner. Vegetarian food by special request! Taiwanese style 泡菜 makes a great appetizer and is super with 臭豆腐...makes me drool just thinking of that. Great restraint was exercised on my part to refrain from eating up everything( or else my friend's siblings would come home to empty dishes...haha). Plus playing basketball on a full stomach is never a good idea. Basketball at PGP later on was also pretty fun. The courts were really full of pple as it's the first time it didn't rain in the week.

A hilarious incident happened at the court. The courts were full not only of pple playing basketball, but also pple playing soccer at the midcourt area. Guys...it's called a BASKETBALL COURT for a reason...CAN'T U READ THE SIGN THAT SAYS " NO SOCCER ON THE BASKETBALL COURT"? The soccer guys keep coming into the playing area of the pickup games and it was pretty irritating, having to stop play from time to time because the soccer ball got in the way. Someone almost sprained his ankle because of that. After yet another soccer ball come right into the painted area of the court, someone from the court opposite mine finally snapped, picking up the ball and kicking it all the way into the forest...lol...expectedly tempers flared and the two crowds started to come together. I'm not trying to be racist here...but the matchup is Indians(soccer) vs Chinese(basketball)...this otta be good...I actually wanted to take some pics and videos with my phone but thought the better of it because I didn't want to risk damaging my spanking-new phone.

The funny thing is that at first the Indian crowd was really agitated and started pushing and shouting at the Chinese guys...bad move..why? coz the entire basketball court is almost predominantly PRC, at first everyone looked over...and then they started walking over...Oops...and that's like around a 100 vs 15 situation. I think that if both sides have the same number of pple a fight was sure to take place. Me and my friends were actually pretty amused by the situation as it's fun seeing how fast pple can change their attitude. Moral of the story? Do not mess with the Chinese, especially when you are outnumbered...

星期四, 1月 12, 2006

this is the 麻糬餅 from 淡水,臺北. might not look like much but it's crazy tasty...the next time I go back I'm gonna buy some more..... Posted by Picasa

pic taken on tuesday at jurong east mrt, pic turned out ok despite the cloudy weather...can u believe this is taken by a handphone?  Posted by Picasa


Something pretty funny happened on tuesday...I went
with a friend to West Mall to try out Ice Cream
Crave,the healthy ice cream that I've done an
entrepreneurial marketing project on. On the way
there I was telling my friend how nice and healthy
the ice cream was and that even channel u reported
it on the news blah blah blah.....Ok...the thing is
...when I reached West Mall,I found out that the shop
closed down....what the...

Now that's embarassing, doesn't say much of my
marketing skills either....lol....It's been raining for
the past couple of days already and the rain doesn't
seem to be going away anything soon. I actually like
the rain. I feel peaceful and serene gazing out of my
window at the pouring rain(plus I get a kick out of
watching pple scampering for shelter =P). But the rain
has wrecked havoc on my balling schedule, as the weekly
wednesday basketball night was totally ruined.And
instead of basketball, we ended up at src watching the
taekwondo pple practising what looked very much like
blows to the crotch(it's a little scary seeing girls
keep practicing that move, makes me cringe especially
when most of them have their mean face on..-_-|||)

I had my first lesson of the sem on monday-Financial
accounting...Now that's an interesting module although
the prof seemed to have something against engineers,
using eng students as the butt of his jokes..I've also
noticed that in biz not only do the girls put thought
into their dressing, but the guys too.....Biz pple wear
clothes as if they're going clubbing or sth, must
be really hard for the guys picking out what to wear
in the morning. We eng guys don't have this problem as
we merely pick out the stuff that's still clean to wear
(haha...or sometimes the most clean-looking/smelling).
Well it's no wonder that I'm still single since I
really can't be bothered to dress myself up everyday.

星期日, 1月 01, 2006

Everyone present yesterday Posted by Picasa

Me, Derrick, Anthony, James Posted by Picasa

DIS dudes Posted by Picasa


DIS Gathering

On the last day of 2K5, I managed to meet up with my primary school classmates.....Man...It's been about 10 years since I've last seen
them. But surprisingly nobody changed much and I could recognize
everyone instantly. On the other hand, everyone had trouble recalling
who I am and they only remembered when I pulled out my ID card with a
photo of me when I was 14. They said that I've changed so much that
they can't recognize me. It feels so nice to visit my alma mater again,
it's a good thing that yesterday was a holiday, since I was quite a
mischievous kid back then most of my teachers probably won't be fond of
seeing me( especially the catholic sisters coz I was always disagreeing
with what they say in Christian Living )

Found out some suprising gossip as well....One of my classmates got
married last year! Damn...that's fast....and to think that I've yet to
have a gf in my 22 years of existence....-_-||| talk about disparity..
There were also some shocking revelations...one of them has finally
come out of the closet and is said to go both ways...I could never
guess that about him that he had such tendencies, but I guess if
he's happier that way then good for him. It's a good thing my
classmates are gossips, as I was able to hear all that happened
to them all over the years. After a whole afternoon of close to
non-stop basketball, I end up not going for the countdown at
Taipei 101 with them....Haha...I'm like a 70 yr old guy trapped in
a 22 yr old body...slept at 10pm on new years eve. This morning
I saw the beautiful fireworks at 101 on tv, was a little regretful
I slept so early. My mom who normally sleeps at 9pm actually stayed
up to look at the fireworks(and didn't wake me up X( ). As 101
is quite close to my place, the fireworks actually sounded really
loud even at home, but I'm too sound asleep to hear anything.
The smoke from the fireworks actually drifted to my apartment, so
you can imagine the scale of the fireworks. Well that's it for
now...been a while since I wrote on my blog....perhaps i'll write
another entry soon.