星期五, 10月 27, 2006

Monkey coffee

I guess this would appeal to folks who don't dare to drink Vietnam's weasel coffee as the beans are spit out from the monkey's mouth and not the weasel's bottom..XD

闖咖啡園吃果吐豆台灣獼猴咖啡 古坑新品牌



  古坑鄉樟湖村、荷苞村、華山村都是日據時代台灣咖啡產地,近年 古坑台灣咖啡聲名遠播,村民利用殘存的老咖啡株繁殖咖啡樹,賴姓農民也在樟湖村種了五十多棵,剛開始有收成,今年結實纍纍,產量特別好。

  潑猴「試吃」 咖啡豆吐滿地



  去皮、乾淨 讓農民撿現成





Bowling accident

Wow what a move! Got to try that the next time i go bowling(which is never...lol).He's got some good distance with the ball! Too bad he didn't get all the way to the pins...well better luck next time.

星期三, 10月 18, 2006

Loads better than msn

I got kind of fed up with msn nowadays and I've discovered something pretty cool. Click Me! Anyone who adds http://gabbly.com/+(any website you want,eg ur blog) can chat to each other on the webpage! This is much faster than msn and is instantaneous! It works by RSS feeds and the stuff you type can be viewed by anyone else also on that webpage if he adds gabbly.com in front. So don't spill your secrets over it! But otherwise it's a cool tool =P

星期二, 10月 10, 2006


祝中華民國95歲生日快樂! 今年國慶可精彩的勒!

星期五, 10月 06, 2006

This is the pic of the moon I took yesterday night. Tonight's moon is supposed to appear the biggest in recent years....Well we shall see...happy mid-autumn festival everyone~~~

星期四, 10月 05, 2006



The New Tickle Me Elmo

The original Tickle Me Elmo came out in '96.And it's been a good ten years before they've finally came up with a new version. This Elmo's simply hilarious!

全民大悶鍋 施主席的轟趴 台灣的阿匾兄

The original song is called The Alpine Milkman...this version is quite a departure from that...lol

星期二, 10月 03, 2006

The beauty of a woman

This is Audrey Hepburn's favorite poem. The author is unknown.
I think the words are simple but meaningful and I'd like to share it with everyone =D
For attractive lips,speak words of kindness
For lovely eyes,seek out the good in people
For slim figure,share your food with the hungry
For beautiful hair,let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day
For poise,walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,the figure
that she carries,or the way she combs her hairs

The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes because that
is the doorway to her heart,the place where love resides

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode,but the true beauty
in a woman is reflected in her soul.It is the caring that she
lovingly gives,the passion that she shows.

That's why the beauty of a woman grows with the passing years
No wonder I find my mom so beautiful~~~