星期日, 7月 30, 2006

Directions on making bird sushi: 1) Wash bird thorough with luke-warm water 2) Wrap bird in seaweed, or if you run out of seaweed you can wrap it in a towel as shown 3)bird sushi is best served immediately XD Posted by Picasa


閏七月 好兄弟還是只有一個月的假期 95-07-25  


  明天就是農曆的閏七月,儘管農曆七月民間俗稱鬼月,又遇到閏月,但新竹都城隍廟還是強調,陰間的好兄弟還是只有一個月的假期,換言之,七月半普渡好兄弟,只要辦理一次即可,第一個農曆七月卅號的晚上十一點,各城隍 廟還是準時關鬼門,錯過關鬼門的好兄弟,將成為孤魂野鬼。(彭清仁報導)依照民間習俗,農曆七月是俗稱的鬼月,幾乎是諸事不宜,因此民間習俗對農曆七月不少人都有些心理障礙,由於今年是閏七月,也有不少的民間習俗,除了嫁出去的女兒,在閏七月都會買豬腳送給父母,為父母親添福添壽,但閏七月也有不少民眾都認為是雙鬼月,是否連續兩個月都是諸事不宜,不過根據全省歷史最悠久,城隍爺中位階最高的新竹都城隍廟管理委員會指出,儘管是閏七月,但鬼月仍然只有一個,農曆七月初一開鬼門,七月卅號準時關鬼門,第二個農曆七月並非是鬼月,因此逾假不歸的陰間好兄弟,如果錯過了關鬼門的時間,將成為孤魂野鬼,同樣的,農曆七月半的普渡好兄弟儀式,也是只辦理第一個農曆七月十五日的普渡,而新竹都城隍廟,今年農曆七月開鬼門的儀式,也破例由二爺范將軍親自開鬼門,農曆七月十五都城隍爺也將親自奉旨遶境賑孤。

星期五, 7月 28, 2006

AMD set to acquire ATI

Saw on the news recently that AMD has reached an agreement to acquire the graphics chips manufacturer ATI with $4.2 billion IN CASH and 57 million shares of AMD common stock. Wow! This is really a rather unexpected move! Seems like AMD is no longer content on offering microprocessors alone and is set on provide an entire package like what Intel is doing...From the news AMD hopes to integrate the GPU into its microP within the next few years. Too bad after the deal AMD would already be cash-strapped and won't be able to acquire any chipset manufacturers like Via or Sis. I was wondering why AMD choose to acquire ATI instead of Nvidia since Nvidia already manufactures the nForce Series chipset for AMD processors? Well they must have their reasons.

Wonder how Intel would respond to that? But whether the deal goes down still depends on the decision of the shareholder of both companies... The computer scene is getting more and more interesting. First we have Macs that can load Windows, now this. Shall see what happens next. Bug free Windows? Nah....that's never going to happen...lol

星期三, 7月 26, 2006


搬一整天吧! 搬完了才忽然發現我是在鬼月搬家耶!



星期四, 7月 20, 2006



話說有一天我跟我老媽一起去剪頭髮(我姐不在我還真是子代女職耶!),一起坐下來後我媽眼神閃爍的叫我先剪,嘴邊還有"奸巧"的微笑....剪到一半...好啦..老媽看苗頭不對竟然烙跑說"我不剪了,他剪就好。" 我頭在人家手上又不能說不剪了....-_-...真是...

回家的路上還安慰我說"很好阿".....這種事還不只發生一次勒! 我爸在新加坡也幹過同樣的好事! 難怪會成為夫妻!

星期五, 7月 14, 2006

First post back in Taipei

Wasn't really in the mood for blogging since I came back....so many things to do....benign tumor to slice off...wisdom teeth to pluck...yada yada...the list goes on....This time round I've spent some quality time on the operation table...lol...My little operation and dentist trips are actually pretty interesting(in my opinion) anecdotes...perhaps some time I shall post it complete with gory details...hehe

For a while now hairbands(髮髻) are all the rage as a result of 楊丞琳 and it's considered uber-fashionable to be wearing a hairband. However I've discovered an interesting truth after my 'extensive observation' in HK and Taipei(btw...if you don't know what the 特產 of HK is, it's the many 阿婆s wandering around all over the streets...comparatively there are rather few 阿伯s)Grandmas love to wear hairbands too! LOL! Guess 楊丞琳's stylist sort of stole the idea on a visit to Grandma's