A week ago while I was strolling in the streets of Taipei I saw this on
Taipei 101. Now that's hell of a way to propose...Just make sure she'll
say yes...haha...
I remember seeing someone propose during half-time of a basketball
game, asking the announcers to broadcast his message and with all
the cameras in the stadium trained on him and the girl...But surprise
surprise...the girl said NO...and the guy got booed out of the stadium...
Now that's a lesson for everyone...lol
Seems like every guy gets out of the way to really delight his girlfriend
and hopefully his girl, pleasantly surprised and moved, would say yes
with tears brimming in her eyes while nodding manically. However,
some of these attempts may really backfire and blow up in your face...
One of the popular ways is the "ring in the champagne glass"....
Come on....That's so cliche... People these days ought to be more
Some chinese families have the tradition of stashing a gold coin of
sorts into one of the many dumplings they've wrapped for new year's
eve dinner. The person that finds the dumpling with the coin inside is
said to have good luck throughtout the new year. So I'm thinking a
variation of that for a proposal...Put the ring in the dumpling! She'll
never suspect it. But then again if she bites too hard on the diamond
ring and loses a few teeth she might not be too happy about it, or
worse, if she swallows it(might be a good idea to get the paramedics
on standby). Or alternatively you can put the ring in a bao(包), but
dumplings are just much more easier to make by yourself.
Wow...I just went rambling on and on about dumplings. Originally I
just wanted to post the picture, put in a caption, and be done with it...
Btw, if anyone tries my suggestion,give me some feedback on whether
it works.....lol