星期日, 6月 25, 2006
星期五, 6月 23, 2006
為何全世界對於日本殺鯨魚都拿他們沒輒呢? =(
【法新社 盧瑞珠】
(法新社聖克里斯多福十七日電) 國際捕鯨委員會在今年年會中,連續三次以投票方式擋下日本想要讓商業捕鯨活動起死回生的企圖,升高持贊成和反對意見雙方的衝突。
星期三, 6月 21, 2006

this adorable cat has been around for almost as long as the time i've been in Singapore. I remember seeing this grey cat around the corner between NTUC and the food court since I was in ACS. She intrigued me as she's not as wary of people as some stray cats are, paying no attention to me petting it whenever I pass by it as if I wasn't there. As far as stray cats are concerned this is one of the most well-fed. It has developed some sort of bond with an old man selling miscellaneous antiques beside NTUC over the years and I would often see the old man feeding it and petting it with loving care with this cat lying contently under his table. I think that it's lovely. Occured to me that Singapore has a lot of stray cats and luckily they don't get put down as stray dogs do. The exterminated dogs paid the price for their irresponsible owners. Animals really aren't treated as humanely in today's society as they should be, and owners who abandon their pets are despicable.....Next time you pass by the NTUC in clementi,take a look at the corner beside the 4D booth, you just might see this cat lazying beside the old man's feet =)

星期二, 6月 20, 2006
caught redhanded
Ever since I've stayed in Raffles Hall during the holidays my stuff in the communal fridge has been stolen with reckless abandon. In a block of at least 150 people there are only two fridges. And as I've come to realise, education level really has nothing to do with personal ethics. Labeling my stuff don't seem to work at all. I'm been wanting to catch the person/s taking stuff for some time. Sometimes it's really not the value of the stuff that's taken that matters. It might be something really small but what does it say of the person stealing it?
So this morning as I gone down to the communal kitchen to make myself some breakfast there was already a girl there cooking. Not a problem, there are two hotplates. As I was preparing my omelette I found the contents in her pot rather familiar. Say~ isn't that the same type of mushroom I put into my spaghetti yesterday? Nevermind, should be a coincidence. Then I went to the fridge and saw the girl taking MY shrooms from the fridge!!! What the?!!! Something really snapped then. As I confronted the person she seemed rather shocked, but quickly gained her composure,saying that she thought those were hers and that she bought the same type of mushrooms a few days ago. Quick wits eh? But I remembered specifically I've put it in a spot in the corner of the fridge that had nothing in it. And then I saw my pack of noodles taken out of the fridge and placed on the floor. Ok at this point I more or less know for sure whether she's guilty because normally if you owns something you would take it out all at one go and not take some first and then go back to take somemore as a afterthought. Basically I think she's adding whatever she can find in the fridge, which explains the noodles she's taking as well.
There's nothing much for me to do but to ask her to go to the hall office with me and let the resident manager settle everything. The resident manager told me that things get taken all the time and heard our case. I thought that the girl's mannerism was rather rude and didn't seem apologetic at all. I didn't hear her apoligise to me even once(in my opinion even if she really mistook my stuff for hers she should apologise), but all she did was defend herself. The resident manager really couldn't think of a better way to handle it and asked me to give her the benefit of the doubt and I did. The girl then asked the resident manager in a sharp tone what do you mean benefit of the doubt, seeming to think that's going to be bad for her...lol...she needs some serious tutoring for english. The resident manager then had to explain to her what it meant. And so the whole show ended with both our names and rooms recorded under my suggestion. I think at least this way she won't dare to take stuff ever again, at least not in the near future.
You might be thinking why go through all this trouble for a few stupid mushrooms? Honestly it's not the mushrooms that matter, it's the lack of respect of other people's belongings that pisses me off the most. Hopefully this would be the end of my long list of stuff stolen. Or perhaps I really should get myself a fridge.
星期一, 6月 12, 2006
星期五, 6月 09, 2006
星期二, 6月 06, 2006
Lately I think I'm turning into a compulsive email checker, checking email several times a day. I used to check my personal email account once a week or so previously unless someone told me that they've sent me something. So most of the time I'm used to my mailbox looking like this Inbox(35) Bulk(100)...now most of the time it's Inbox(1) Bulk(10). I suppose it's a change for the better?
Got a reply from Raffles Hall and it's confirmed that I would be able to stay in Raffles the next academic year. Yay~ That means I got to really do some serious training during the holidays so that I'd be good enough to lead the team. Otherwise I'd think Raffles got a lousy bargain in accepting me into the hall.

First off, I'd like to say that I didn't take this photo. I'm not so shutter-happy as to bring my camera into the toilet. But I'm glad that my friend did because as you can see all the stuff you let out goes directly into the sea. On the 2nd day of my 2 day non-fishing fishing trip offshore in Pulau Sibu I discovered what was to be the best kick I got out of the trip. As far as fishing trips go, my friends didn't have a very successful time (fortunately) and all they caught were little fish ( most of them returned to the sea save for a few who didn't make it). And while I was wondering where all the big fish were I happened to look through the hole to admire the clear green waters(well mostly if you ignore the 'debris') I'm surprised to find a lot of big fish swimming under me. And sure enough, when I let my bomb bay doors opens it was feeding frenzy! It was like the great Singapore sale out there...haha...Upon this point I had the revelation where all the big fish went....I have to say watching fish feed on my 'chocolate weiners' is the most fun I've ever had ever in the toilet....Oops...there's goes my image....And it's times like this that you feel really great to be a vegetarian XD