I've been wondering for a long time regarding when a person starts
regarding you as a friend. In this I mean a real friend and not
'friends' that you've only met once and can't even remember their
name. I found that in NUS unless you go for a lot of activities
and orientation, it is pretty difficult to get to know people as
most of them look very aloof and not very approachable( probably
don't look too approachable myself XD) Sometimes I would approach
someone in my tutorial or lecture and try to make small talk before
the lesson talks(discuss subject content etc...). Some people are
suprised that I just started talking to them out of the blue, but
I find that most people are rather friendly despite a 'dao' face.
These are the guys that are just like noughat chocolate candy->
hard on the outside but with a creamy center. But then again there
are those who are hard on the outside and hard on the inside...well
too bad then.
I also find that it's progressively harder to make friends as you
progress through university because everyone starts getting into
their own tight circles->"搞小圈圈" and only talk to those in the
group. Well now my policy is that, if I talk to ya and you respond
in a friendly manner, well good for me. But if you 'dao' me also I'm
ok with it, as making friends really should be this hard, guess that
there's just no 緣份 then.
Ok...next lets talk about birthdays. I find that some people around
me attach a great significance to their birthdays. Personally I don't
think that my birthday is of very great importance to me. I'll get
myself a slice of cake or sth but that's about it(besides I'll find
any excuse to get myself a slice of cake...lol) My own birthday isn't
that important to me as I'm always in Singapore and dangerously
close to my exams during that period(btw my birthday isn't anytime soon
so I'm not hinting or anything) Also, when you come from a 'monk'
school(i.e. all guys) like ACS(I) you tend to be very guarded about
your birthday...haha...the reason being that if they know today is your
birthday you'll get stripped in class..then when you get back to your
hostel you'll get stripped again AND dunked in the pool. Typical
reaction of an ACS boy(or any other guy's schools for that matter) when
someone asks " Hey isn't today your birthday? "(with an impish smile)
is "OH SHIT!!! RUN! RUN! RUN!". Ok, back to other people:I have some
friends that constantly advertise when their birthday is around the
corner->they tell you in person,they put it on their blog,msn etc...
These are mostly girls due to the reason I've mention above.
The thing I'm wondering about is their rationale of telling the whole
world it's their birthday. Do they want lots of gifts or do they just
want everyone to celebrate with them? I really don't know. Personally
I would remember the birthdays of those I regard as friends as best as
I can. But sometimes I do forget...sorry abt that guys =P You don't
even have to tell me it's your birthday, I'll make it a point to check
it out myself. I think that's the way 'real friends' do it. Birthday
presents are not so important to me as well. It's nice to have someone
giving you a present and all but I feel guilty that they are shelling
out to buy stuff. We are all students with limited earning power
after all. A e-card or sms is good enough for me. Ok now comes the
real interesting part: You give someone a birthday present -> the
person is delighted -> comments "oh you are such a good friend!" ->
asks when your birthday is(in the process getting your hopes high) ->
promptly forgets about it when your birthday comes. lol....that sux
doesn't it? Sometimes they are genuinely busy and they have sincerely
forgotten about the whole thing. At first you'll think that " He/She's
busy lah....must have really forgotten" but NOOOOO...you later find that
the person had just celebrated a birthday for another friend and had a
blast-> so what does this mean? I'm not sure myself. But I think that
this would be a good time to take that person out of my 'friends pool'
and drop them in my 'acquaintance pool'. No hard feelings abt them too,
well as I said there's just no 緣份 so why bother trying so hard huh?