Phew......finally passed my SCJP exam....sure wasn't easy getting it....(not that the exam was particularly hard....but because of the weird stuff that happened at the test center..but then again i did find it rather difficult....hmm...contradicting myself)
Anyway, I originally scheduled my exam date as yesterday....but when I went to the test center yesterday I was told that there was "a slight problem with the connection to the server" and that they needed just a "short moment to reconfigure"....I happened to be the only candidate there since the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam is only held when a candidate wishes to take it...So there I was sitting beside the frantic test center employee who was futilely trying to fix the connection...I had some notes in front of me but couldn't really concentrate....nothing seems to go into my head(should be plenty of space in there though....i must have a brain the size of a walnut...)
My exam was originally scheduled for 2pm...but 1 and 1/2 hrs later I was still waiting for the problem to be fixed...Tsk tsk....server breaking down on the day of my exam...what are the odds of that!
Another 15 minutes later the test center guys finally gave up and told me to come back and take the exam tmr, promising that they'll call in some professional and get it fixed tonight....So I had no choice but to go home....was rather displeased so I had a "大便臉" on the way home....(probably scared some innocent passer-bys...a few people said that I have the face of a gangster when I'm not smiling) I called back to check at night to see if the server connection problem was which they replied that they couldn't find the person responsible for fixing the problem and asked me to check tommorow morning......Oh well....nothing much I could do but to continue waiting helplessly
This morning the problem still wasn't fixed because they said that they had to contact the office in Australia to fix the server problem..then the guy on the phone told me that there's more than 10 hours time difference btw tw and australia(lol...even if i've never been to australia i wouldn't have believed him....the time difference is only 2 hrs, 3 in the summer with daylight saving)....After I burst his bubble he said " Is it? I'm not too sure.I'll call you around 1pm let you know" At 1pm he told me that the personel in Australia were having a lunch break......徹底被他打敗了.....-_-||| In the end I was finally able to take the exam at around 3pm....
5 minutes into the exam and cold sweat started to break out.....crap...the actual exam is much more difficult than the mocks i the end of 2 hrs i clicked the check result button with trembling fingers.....phew.....PASSED! Yay.....just plain glad that the past two months wasn't a waste...Can't stop smiling at everyone when I left the test center....haha.....people must think i'm crazy....but i don't care.....^_^