I've just been 'BeNQed'!!!

Today is the first day of CeBIT Consumer electronics trade show@Hannover,Germany...
Saw the online exhibition on some website....And I have to say this....GOOD JOB BENQ!
My God...this lcd screen is really gorgeous...would do anything short of robbery to get my hands on this baby....
I've noticed this company in 2001 when it first started up selling CD-burners....That time I was thinking..where is this company with the purple logo from? A few years later I found out that Benq is a Taiwanese company...I was rather suprised....Benq...a spin-off from Acer that separated in 2001 to form its own brand...is now almost larger than Acer in just less than 4 short years.....Remarkable acheivement considered the challenges of the previous years caused by the downturn of the economy. Benq is one of the few companies(other than Asus and several others..) that really care about industrial design and not just features and functionally and price/function ratio that most Taiwanese electronics companies put emphasis on....
I think its great that there's finally someone with a vision to see throught just being OEM/ODM for foreign companies and try to develop a strong brand.In this trend of cost down all the way,there's just no future in OEMs....infinite loop of mutual throat-cutting btw rival companies...Creating a strong brand identity is the way to go. A few years back there was a line in the movie Armaggedon that I remembered vividly....in that scene the Russian cosmonaut was in the Mir space station trying to repair a piece of American equipment....unable to fix it...Crazy Ivan here just stomped madly on the box...when his American counterparts yelled at him saying that's not how they fix stuff....he replied " American components..Russian components..All made in Taiwan...." I wasn't real happy after hearing that comment...Though it's meant as a joke...I think that it reflects the mentality that foreigners in general have in their opinion on Taiwanese products...shoddily made and break down easily...(which btw I think is total BS..) Also, Taiwan always had the image of being a 'COPY CAT KINGDOM'....Ok granted that there are a few companines who are copy cats....but hey don't condemn everyone else for that....why not take a look in mainland China or the rest of Asia where the software piracy rate can be as high as 98%?(Not to mention brands like 'NlKE with the l' or 'Addias') The US can really be an ass when it comes to copyright issus...I mean ....of course IP is important...but you should crack down on it fairly and not just pinpoint Taiwan...dude....look at mainland China...don't think there's any private user willing to use original Windows voluntarily...don't just bully us coz we might need your protection against the Commies...Woo.....back to the subject....
In 2001 Benq started out manufacturing optical drives,moniters,keyboards and mice...Now their product line carry many diverse products...ranging from 72" rear projection TVs to ultra-sleek laptops as well as 3G phones and mp3 players...talk about progess...Well guess now's a good time to buy Benq's stock if you're into the stock market...I see a bright future for this company.....
P.S. now I'll try to blog in English as often as possible for the benefit of my beloved sister Tina in the US who unfortunately still can't figure out how to read the chinese font on webpages despite repeated instructions on how to do it....haha
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