From now on.....School would be crazy busy for me........refer to above sketch for an example of what my expression is like......Man....today I did my EE2012 mid-terms and German Oral Test.....EE2012 went ok but my German Oral.....well let's just say that perhaps I should stick to speaking English if I ever go to Germany.....my Oral test really went terribly....not just stuttering...but literally freezing up...with Frau Ritter looking at me wif a quizzical expression....Arrrgh.....haha...hope it's the same for everyone so that my incompetence wouldn't be so obvious*evil grin*......Going to IT Fair tomorrow....initially didn't want to go but Microsoft made me a offer I can't refuse....Bluetooth mouse wif dongle for SGD75....that's like half price! even when compared to the price in Taiwan....Damn....have been spending too much money....guess I would live more frugally for the next 3 months....Can't wait for the day I can actually earn my own bread and butter and finally contribute instead of always receiving.....Going to play in NUS 3on3@9am at SRC...which is in just a couple hours time....hope I still have my shooting touch from last week.....lol....or else I would just look real stupid....coz defence and rebounding ain't my forte.....

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