星期四, 2月 13, 2014
星期六, 12月 21, 2013
你要白天的老婆還是晚上的老婆? 這個故事好有含義,希望人人都看看。
國王亞瑟被俘,本應被處死刑,但對方國王見他年輕樂觀,十分欣賞,於是就要求亞瑟回答一個十分難的問題,如果答出來就可以得到自由。 這個問題就是:“女人真正想要的是什麼?” 亞瑟開始向身邊的每個人徵求答案:公主、牧師、智者……結果沒有一個人能給他滿意的回答。 有人告訴亞瑟,郊外的陰森城堡裡住著一個老女巫,據說她無所不知,但收費高昂,且要求離奇。 期限馬上就到了,亞瑟別無選擇,只好去找女巫,女巫答應回答他的問題,但條件是,要和亞瑟最高貴的武士之一,他最親近的朋友加溫結婚。 亞瑟驚駭極了,他看著女巫,駝背、醜陋不堪、只有一顆牙齒,身上散發著臭水溝難聞的氣味……而加溫高大英俊、誠實善良,是最勇敢的武士。 亞瑟說:“不,我不能為了自由強迫我的朋友娶你這樣的女人!否則我一輩子都不會原諒自己。”
加溫知道這個消息後,對亞瑟說:“我願意娶她,為了你和我們的國家。” 於是婚禮被公諸於世。 女巫回答了這個問題,“女人真正想要的,是主宰自己的命運。” 每個人都知道女巫說出了一條偉大的真理,於是亞瑟自由了。 婚禮上女巫用手抓東西吃、打嗝,說髒話,令所有的人都感到噁心,亞瑟也在極度痛苦中哭泣,加溫卻一如既往的謙和。 新婚之夜,加溫不顧眾人勸阻堅持走進新房,準備面對一切,然而一個從沒見過面的絕世美女卻躺在他的床上,女巫說:“我在一天的時間裡,一半是醜陋的女巫,一半是傾城的美女,加溫,你想我白天變成美女還是晚上變成美女?” 這是個如此殘酷的問題,如果你是加溫,你會怎樣選擇呢?……
當時人格心理學的教授話音一落,同學們先是靜默,繼而開始熱烈的討論,答案更是五花八門,不過歸納起來不外乎兩種: 白天是女巫,夜晚是美女,因為老婆是自己的,不必愛慕虛榮; 另一種選白天是美女,因為可以得到別人羨慕的眼光,而晚上可以在外作樂,回到家一團漆黑,美醜都無所謂。 聽了大家的回答,教授沒有發表意見,只說這故事其實有結局的,加溫做出了選擇。於是大家紛紛要求老師說出結果。 老師說,加溫回答道:“既然你說女人真正想要的是主宰自己的命運,那麼就由你自己決定吧!”
女巫終於熱淚盈眶,"我選擇白天、夜晚都是美麗的女人,因為你懂得真正尊重我!" 所有人都沉默了,因為沒有一個人做出加溫的選擇。 我們有時候是不是很自私? 以自己的喜好去主宰別人的生活,卻沒有想過別人是不是願意。 而當你尊重別人、理解別人時,得到的往往會更多… 要真正做一個受歡迎的人,就必須掌握三大法寶——理解、尊重、信任。 你撿到這個故事,撿到了不要置之不理,轉發給您身邊的好友。你就是幸福的人!
你要白天的老婆還是晚上的老婆? 這個故事好有含義,希望人人都看看。
國王亞瑟被俘,本應被處死刑,但對方國王見他年輕樂觀,十分欣賞,於是就要求亞瑟回答一個十分難的問題,如果答出來就可以得到自由。 這個問題就是:“女人真正想要的是什麼?” 亞瑟開始向身邊的每個人徵求答案:公主、牧師、智者……結果沒有一個人能給他滿意的回答。 有人告訴亞瑟,郊外的陰森城堡裡住著一個老女巫,據說她無所不知,但收費高昂,且要求離奇。 期限馬上就到了,亞瑟別無選擇,只好去找女巫,女巫答應回答他的問題,但條件是,要和亞瑟最高貴的武士之一,他最親近的朋友加溫結婚。 亞瑟驚駭極了,他看著女巫,駝背、醜陋不堪、只有一顆牙齒,身上散發著臭水溝難聞的氣味……而加溫高大英俊、誠實善良,是最勇敢的武士。 亞瑟說:“不,我不能為了自由強迫我的朋友娶你這樣的女人!否則我一輩子都不會原諒自己。”
加溫知道這個消息後,對亞瑟說:“我願意娶她,為了你和我們的國家。” 於是婚禮被公諸於世。 女巫回答了這個問題,“女人真正想要的,是主宰自己的命運。” 每個人都知道女巫說出了一條偉大的真理,於是亞瑟自由了。 婚禮上女巫用手抓東西吃、打嗝,說髒話,令所有的人都感到噁心,亞瑟也在極度痛苦中哭泣,加溫卻一如既往的謙和。 新婚之夜,加溫不顧眾人勸阻堅持走進新房,準備面對一切,然而一個從沒見過面的絕世美女卻躺在他的床上,女巫說:“我在一天的時間裡,一半是醜陋的女巫,一半是傾城的美女,加溫,你想我白天變成美女還是晚上變成美女?” 這是個如此殘酷的問題,如果你是加溫,你會怎樣選擇呢?……
當時人格心理學的教授話音一落,同學們先是靜默,繼而開始熱烈的討論,答案更是五花八門,不過歸納起來不外乎兩種: 白天是女巫,夜晚是美女,因為老婆是自己的,不必愛慕虛榮; 另一種選白天是美女,因為可以得到別人羨慕的眼光,而晚上可以在外作樂,回到家一團漆黑,美醜都無所謂。 聽了大家的回答,教授沒有發表意見,只說這故事其實有結局的,加溫做出了選擇。於是大家紛紛要求老師說出結果。 老師說,加溫回答道:“既然你說女人真正想要的是主宰自己的命運,那麼就由你自己決定吧!”
女巫終於熱淚盈眶,"我選擇白天、夜晚都是美麗的女人,因為你懂得真正尊重我!" 所有人都沉默了,因為沒有一個人做出加溫的選擇。 我們有時候是不是很自私? 以自己的喜好去主宰別人的生活,卻沒有想過別人是不是願意。 而當你尊重別人、理解別人時,得到的往往會更多… 要真正做一個受歡迎的人,就必須掌握三大法寶——理解、尊重、信任。 你撿到這個故事,撿到了不要置之不理,轉發給您身邊的好友。你就是幸福的人!
星期五, 10月 11, 2013
A photo is worth a thousand words...
星期四, 9月 26, 2013
星期四, 4月 09, 2009
"Very Easy"? Says who?
As my days of wearing green fatigues draw near, I keep getting comments
about how easy national service in Taiwan is nowadays with increasing
frequency...and guess what? Most of those comments were made by girls. Seriously...made me wonder which five star general died and made them
expert? It's not that such generalisations don't have some truth to
it, most of the time I would humor them and reply that " Yeah, it's
nothing compared to my uncle's time,when he served three years and
spent most of his time in Kinmen,a short swim away from the mainland."
But I can't help but feel slightly annoyed by how they say it so
matter-of-factly. And is that supposed to be comforting? I think that
it's perfectly fine if a guy who went through the military said something
like that, cos at least there's some basis of comparison (minus some
exaggeration, which guys tend to do when talking about their army days.
I'd say take a 20%-30% discount from what they say how tough it was and
you would arrive at more or less a more accurate situation.) The girls
seem always to have their sources:a friend's friend, classmate, etc...
But how can you say it so matter-of-factly when all you've based your
judgement on is hearsay?
I for one can't be sure, though the popular opinion seem to support these
generalisations. But the truth is that how hard military life would be
largely depends on your commander(and your luck). You can be in a tough
unit but still enjoy an easy time as a clerk. Or you can be in a supposedly
comfortable unit and live life as a living hell. I guess the only way to
tell for sure is after I finish it and trade military stories with other
dudes who've been through it(something guys do for the rest of their life:
talk about the few years they spend in the military and how tough they were).
As a male Taiwanese citizen I think I'm obliged to serve in the military as
the men before me did. That's more than I can say for most of the Taiwanese guys
I know in Singapore, always coming up with excuses like "I can't leave my
career(Oh...like the rest of us don't have careers)", "It's a waste of time",
etc...employing stall tactics and converting to Singapore citizenship for
the "convenience". The truth is that they just want to avoid their obligations
as much as possible. Why don't they just get it over and done with instead of
stalling it forever until they are too old and are no longer required to serve?
I think that you can't always take the easy way out in life. Besides, with all
the comments of how easy national service is these days, what are you guys
afraid of?
P.S. The result of my military posting by "lottery" is out. I'm going to serve
in the Republic of China Air Force.
星期二, 1月 20, 2009

我到西安時發現秦始皇陵右邊插了一支"和平柱" 記起一陣子前在台灣看到的新聞

那時心裡想:我再不拔掉那爛樁 我就不姓黃了!

搶救台灣風水!道教鋸斷日本和平柱 發現暗藏符咒
2007/06/08 00:19

星期三, 11月 19, 2008
So the rumors are true...Hitler did only have one testicle...
更新日期:2008/11/19 14:10
lol....who said the English don't have a sense of humor?
本則新聞由中廣新聞網提供 2008/11/19
星期四, 11月 13, 2008
老實說老馬雖然也算個國際政壇明星但也輪不到你們來投票吧? 新加坡的媒體自由和記者
星期三, 10月 29, 2008
[轉載]金融海嘯 MBA被譏封「更多苦頭」
歹年冬 還好我沒有去讀MBA 不過我唸的這個好像也沒好到那裡去 -_-|||
曾經風光一時的企管碩士(MBA),在經濟蕭條和金融海嘯的衝擊下,現在落得「更多苦頭」(more bitterness ahead)的封號。美國《時代》雜誌說,企管碩士不再吃香,就業市場低迷,無法再揮金如土,未來還有更多的苦頭。
過去在華爾街工作的企管碩士,年薪平均在六位數字以上,受到人們欽羨,在社交場合攻無不克,許多企管碩士被寵壞了,還大搞婚外情,外界遂稱MBA為「married but available」。
資遣者眾 少了銀彈風流不再
但現在許多企管碩士遭到資遣,即使在職者也是朝不保夕,天之驕子少了銀彈攻勢,「married but available」的花名終於黯淡,改以「more bitterness ahead」取代稱號。
就業困難 學生難過陷於沮喪
星期日, 10月 26, 2008
星期日, 4月 13, 2008
Asia’s creative heart is beating in Taiwan
As a gadget freak, I have been following the industrial and product
design trend in Taiwan's IT products since I was in secondary school.
And I'm glad to say that every year Taiwan's industrial and product
design has gained some! Germany's Red Dot design award is a good
testament to that, this year a total of 45 products were awarded the
Red Dot Design Award and another 12 got honorable mention!
We've gone a long way from being just simple OEM and ODM industry with
the "Me too" mentality!
Below's a press release from the Red Dot Design Award website
04/04 2008:
Asia’s creative heart is beating in Taiwan
In the past ten years, Taiwan’s economic landscape has been subject to serious changes. Formerly, Taiwan was known for cheap mass production; but recently domestic companies have been focusing more and more on quality and design thus becoming a rival to Japan and South Korea as design nations. This is because Taiwan has developed from a mere production site to a knowledge-based society. It is, for example, reflected in the continuous development of high-tech industry. Thanks to well directed public promotion and private commitment Taiwan’s creative industries can report their greatest success - an annual growth rate of 7.5 %. Accordingly, the production value of 10.6 billion Euro generated by the creative industry in 2003 has risen to more than 12 billion Euro in 2005.
The creative industry doesn’t need to fear worldwide comparison with others. Results achieved in international design competitions by Taiwanese companies such as BenQ, Asus, Qisda, Tatung and design studios such as Duck Image and Nova Design account for this fact. In this year’s red dot award: product design, 45 products from Taiwan alone have been awarded, another twelve got an honourable mention. For being a crucial factor in their respective category five products have been actually awarded the highest distinction, the red dot: best of the best. This is an outstanding success in the light of altogether only 50 “red dot: best of the best” awards.
The international umbrella organisations Icsid (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design), Icograda (International Council of Graphic Design Associations) and IFI (International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers) have discovered the potential Taiwan is holding for the future of design. They will hold their first common congress as International Design Alliance (IDA) in Taiwan in 2011 which more than 2,000 designers from all over the world are expected to attend.
星期六, 11月 03, 2007
方文山寫詞能力真的沒話說! 一整個系列中國風的詞都是啵~~~棒!
作詞:方文山 作曲:周杰倫
素胚勾勒出青花筆鋒濃轉淡 瓶身描繪的牡丹一如妳初妝
冉冉檀香透過窗心事我了然 宣紙上走筆至此擱一半
釉色渲染仕女圖韻味被私藏 而妳嫣然的一笑如含苞待放
妳的美一縷飄散 去到我去不了的地方
#天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 炊煙裊裊升起 隔江千萬里
在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸 就當我為遇見妳伏筆
*天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 月色被打撈起 暈開了結局
如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗 妳眼帶笑意
色白花青的錦鯉躍然於碗底 臨摹宋體落款時卻惦記著妳
妳隱藏在窯燒裡千年的秘密 極細膩猶如繡花針落地
簾外芭蕉惹驟雨門環惹銅綠 而我路過那江南小鎮惹了妳
在潑墨山水畫裡 妳從墨色深處被隱去
星期日, 10月 21, 2007
interesting ad on craigslist with a more interesting response..lol !
What am I doing wrong?
Okay, I'm tired of beating around the bush. I'm a beautiful
(spectacularly beautiful) 25 year old girl. I'm articulate and classy.
I'm not from New York. I'm looking to get married to a guy who makes at
least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind
that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don't think
I'm overreaching at all.
Are there any guys who make 500K or more on this board? Any wives? Could
you send me some tips? I dated a business man who makes average around
200 - 250. But that's where I seem to hit a roadblock. 250,000 won't get
me to central park west. I know a woman in my yoga class who was married
to an investment banker and lives in Tribeca, and she's not as pretty as
I am, nor is she a great genius. So what is she doing right? How do I
get to her level?
Here are my questions specifically:
- Where do you single rich men hang out? Give me specifics- bars,
restaurants, gyms
-What are you looking for in a mate? Be honest guys, you won't hurt my
-Is there an age range I should be targeting (I'm 25)?
- Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the upper east
side so plain? I've seen really 'plain jane' boring types who have
nothing to offer married to incredibly wealthy guys. I've seen drop dead
gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east village. What's the story
- Jobs I should look out for? Everyone knows - lawyer, investment
banker, doctor. How much do those guys really make? And where do they
hang out? Where do the hedge fund guys hang out?
- How you decide marriage vs. just a girlfriend? I am looking for
Please hold your insults - I'm putting myself out there in an honest
way. Most beautiful women are superficial; at least I'm being up front
about it. I wouldn't be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn't
able to match them - in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a
nice home and hearth.
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or
other commercial interests
PostingID: 432279810
Dear Pers-431649184:
I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully
about your dilemma. I offer the following analysis of your predicament.
Firstly, I'm not wasting your time, I qualify as a guy who fits your
bill; that is I make more than $500K per year. That said here's how I
see it.
Your offer, from the prospective of a guy like me, is plain and simple a
cr@ppy business deal. Here's why. Cutting through all the B.S., what you
suggest is a simple trade: you bring your looks to the party and I bring
my money. Fine, simple. But here's the rub, your looks will fade and my
money will likely continue into perpetuity...in fact, it is very likely
that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty that you won't
be getting any more beautiful!
So, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning
asset. Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation
accelerates! Let me explain, you're 25 now and will likely stay pretty
hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins in
earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!
So in Wall Street terms, we would call you a trading position, not a buy
and hold...hence the rub...marriage. It doesn't make good business sense
to "buy you" (which is what you're asking) so I'd rather lease. In case
you think I'm being cruel, I would say the following. If my money were
to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades I need an out. It's
as simple as that. So a deal that makes sense is dating, not marriage.
Separately, I was taught early in my career about efficient markets. So,
I wonder why a girl as "articulate, classy and spectacularly beautiful"
as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy. I find it hard to
believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K
hasn't found you, if not only for a tryout.
By the way, you could always find a way to make your own money and then
we wouldn't need to have this difficult conversation.
With all that said, I must say you're going about it the right way.
Classic "pump and dump."
I hope this is helpful, and if you want to enter into some sort of
lease, let me know.