Strange Year so far...

This is what I saw yesterday afternoon while waiting for my
haircut, a tall large caucausian male walking around barefoot,
complete with colorful nail 'art' and ring...well you don't
see that everyday do ya? Reminds me of my semester in
Australia where there would be guys going to school and
lecture barefoot in the winter!(and they're not aboriginal but
white guys)
It was a challenge to snap this shot non-chalantly with him
sitting besides me,fortunately he was listening to his ipod
so he didn't hear the shutter of my camera phone. Kind of made
me think what an 'interesting' year I've had up to this point.
First there was the 'comet/UFO' encounter in January, a few
interesting coincidences here and there,coming across a letter
in the Raffles Hall Letter 'H' mailbox that's addressed to a
location nowhere near NUS, and actually happening to know the
person it's addressed to. Now how often does any of those
happen? Wonder what's next in line? A-bian stepping down
voluntarily? haa...naa....An alien abduction or me winning the
lottery is more probable than that -_-|||
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