I was refereeing both the guy's and girl's basketball matches for Raffles inter-block games on monday and tuesday as well as playing for my block. After two whole nights of being the ref, I would have to say that being a good ref is no easy task. Firstly, you will definitely miss or misjudge calls. Secondly, you might be just as clueless as the next person on which side should have possession. Then there's the countless 'suggestions' by the crowd on what call it should be. And sometimes if you called everything the entire flow of the game would be disrupted and the matches would probably last until midnight(esp. for the girl's games). All in all I would say that it was a pretty interesting experience, as I'm accustomed to playing on the court rather than ref-ing the game. Actually playing for my block was also pretty exciting although most of the ballers I know are in blk 2. By some stroke of luck I managed to hit all my three 3-ptrs which also happen to be the only three 3-ptrs in the tournament =P In the end blk 5 still lost but at least I was playing my best. Hopefully now the Raffles hall committee are content that at least they've imported a fairly-decent player and their choice of granting me a room isn't a mistake. Hearing the crowd cheer after I hit each 3 was a great feeling, something I haven't felt since my jc playing days. Although I have no illusion that Raffles would have any shot at the inter-hall basketball champion I can guarantee that me and the other guys won't give up without a fight.

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