星期二, 4月 05, 2005

Arghhhhhh~~~~~homeless next semester.....

Crap.....just got the results of my accomodation application today....
29 ECA pts....and yet got rejected.....I just heard from my friends that the cutoff for the 1st round was 30 pts....T_T...now my hopes lie
in the 2nd round...hopefully some kind soul would decide not to
stay and give it to those who need it more(read->me...lol...)

Really wasted a copious amt of time doing bazaars and nightshifts to
get these damn points...hopefully it doesn't go down the drain...
did I make a mistake telling the pple in charge that they've made
a mistake and given me extra eca pts? If I didn't tell them I'm
probably ensured wif a place already...but that's like taking eca
pts from another person....but now i don't have a place to stay....
wat the.....nvrmind....好心有好報?(certainly hope so....)

今天是清明節....果然是清明時節雨紛紛 路上行人欲斷魂阿....唉...樹欲靜而風不止...