Simples pleasures in life...

Here's the weasel coffee I was talking about..made from real weasels!
lol..just joking.....supposedly the name originated when the Vietnamese
found that java beans defecated from weasels/civets made extra good brews...
wonder where they got that idea from....well the theory is that the weasels
eat only the best beans, and as it passes out of their digestive system the
coffee bean is passed out whole and undigested....then pple take out the
beans from their droppings....ewwww...and wash it,remove the husk of the
bean and roast it...then grind it and serve it to u Vietnam
they like to serve coffee with the little sieve seen above in the pic...
the coffee grind is placed into the sieve and boiling water poured into
it and covered...5~6 minutes later ur weasel coffee is ready...Und das
schmekt sehr gut!Not too expensive as well...about SGD2.10 per...which
compared to what they charge for weasel coffee in Taipei(SGD10~20) is a
really good friends next time u walk past E2 Cafe give it a try!
Beside the cup is a egg mayo sandwich...schmeck sehr gut auch! I always
eat this when I'm there...(probably because I can't eat anything else..)
I like to keep stuff simple...乾嘉大家朱彝尊在小養錄裡說過:凡試庖人手段,
Above is an excerpt from this long dead scholar from the Qing dynasty...
roughly means'to judge whether one is a good cook,you don't have to use
precious ingredients...can tell from the simple stuff,which is the hardest
to perfect....'
陶?-蝴蝶....This song is dedicated to my friends and family who cared for me and helped me out when I'm feeling down...really appreciate it..makes me feel so warm inside and that I'm not alone in my struggle...
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